Yes, we know SD is cheaper, but is it worth depriving yourself of The Matrix experience in full HD? Well, that’s up to you, obviously. If you’re not on either of those streaming platforms, then there’s options to rent or buy all the movies below, including the nine animated shorts of The Animatrix.įor the best quality, you’ll want to ensure you’re opting for the HD (high-definition) version of the movies over the SD (standard-definition). There’s one other place to stream The Matrix movies online and that’s Peacock TV. The Matrix franchise is owned by Warner Bros., which means the best place to stream the movies online is their sister streaming service, HBO Max. So, you’re looking to stream The Matrix movies online in the U.S.? Well, you’re in the right place. Depending on where you are in the world, the services available to you will differ. Luckily, all of the movies are available to stream, rent, or buy, but it’s worth taking a look around the different services to see which is the one best for you. We’ve navigated the depths of the web to figure out the best options to enjoy The Matrix movies online.
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Whilst The Matrix itself is mind-bending, so can working out how to watch the movies online. But, before you watch the new one, you might want to dive back down the rabbit hole and refresh your memory by watching the trilogy and prequel animation series. After 18 years and a host of delays, The Matrix Resurrections is finally here.
Starting with the original The Matrix, which makes it onto the best sci-fi movies of all time list, we’ve been treated to a trilogy as well as The Animatrix, an anime series that reveals the backstory behind the Matrix universe. The Matrix franchise remains one of the most outstanding sci-fi movie series ever created.